

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


पहाट झाली गं 
झुंजू मुंजू झाली गं !

शेतकरी जाई शेता
सूर्य प्रकाश किरण  देता

रंगोलित भरे रंग 
सया कामात गं दंग

पाखरे करती चिव चिव गं  
पहाट झाली गं 
झुंजू मुंजू झाली गं !

पावसाचे थेंब आले 
बिंदु  मोती झाले 
शेतकरी खुश झाला 
आनंदाने गं न्हाला

पीके जोमाने आली गं 
पहाट झाली गं 
झुंजू मुंजू झाली गं !

 हिरवा शालू नेसे 
धरती माता सुंदर दिसे 
शेतक-या  लाभे सुख 
विसरून जाई सारे दु:ख 

कष्टाचे त्याच्या चीज झाले गं
पहाट झाली गं 
झुंजू मुंजू झाली गं !


collage days

If you can go back in time to meet your past self, What year will you go? And what will you say to him/her. Will you go to the day you get married and stop yourself from marrying? Or will you go to yesterday, and tell your past self what happen today?

Todays Spetial

John James Audubon (April 26, 1785 – January 27, 1851) was a French-Americanornithologistnaturalisthunter, and painter. He painted, catalogued, and described the birdsof North America in a manner far superior to any before him. In his embrace of America and his outsized personality and achievements, he represented the new American people of the United States


Exam Over.................